


Once we get a horoscope for analysis, we need to exert an Ashtakavarga chart before beginning our application of rules and our analysis of its impact. Present day astrologers are fortunate to be blessed with the “most sophisticated tools” in their armor for giving out their analysis. These “tools” are nothing but software packages. Only in the late seventies computerized packages for astrology started becoming popular. Earlier, horoscopes used to be cast manually with almanacs as an aid. The only date, a client is going to furnish would be the rasi and navamsa chart. The astrologer will be left with very little clue about exact time of birth (which will be mentioned as nazhigas and vinazhigas) or about the ayanamses used. Even the hand writing at times would be illegible. Today the entire horoscope with all data required for analysis can be obtained in less than five minutes using astrological software. But, has all this improved the quality of predictions given? This is a valid question but very difficult to answer. The only point which needs emphasis here is that in olden times, Astrologers had an excellent grasp over the subject, that even with very little inputs from the client in the form of Rasi or Navamsa charts, they could predict significant events to happen with a fair amount of accuracy. They also used to employ prasna charts to confirm their findings. Moreover, they used to memorise all the text book rules and upon seeing a chart, they can immediately detect the presence of yogas in the chart. What has now happened is that though there are number of software packages giving lots of data, astrologers do not give sufficient time and attention to them. Also clients have very little patience and seldom allow professionals to a meticulous and thorough job.

Preparation of Ashtakavarga Chart
Let us start this process from the Sun. In Sun’s Ashtakavarga, Sun is auspicious from himself in the 1st,2nd,4th,7th,8th 9th 10th & 11th houses. Likewise Moon is auspicious in 3,6,10 & 11 from the Sun. The crucial point we need to note is that Rahu and Ketu do not yield any bind us at all. Whether lagna should be used for computing Sarvashtakavarga has been debatable issue. The Bindus of lagna add up to 49, the student has tow options - to include lagna thereby obtaining 386 bindus in all. Excluding lagna we get 337 bindus in the Sarvashtakavarga chart.

Rahu’s Ashtakavarga. Text books like Shambu Hora Prakash have given bindus for Rahu as well. Now the Ashtakavarga of Rahu adds upto 43 bindus as follows:

Sun : 1 2 3 5 7 8 10
Moon : 1 3 5 7 8 9 10
Mars : 2 3 5 12
 Mercury : 2 4 7 8 12
Jupiter : 1 3 4 6 8
Venus : 6 7 11 12
Saturn : 3 5 7 10 11 12
Lagna : 3 4 5 9 12

Now, we will have a look at the tables of all planets and see how the magic figure of 337 is arrived at. In brief, 337 bindus is actually a proess of summation of bindus obtained in each of the individual planetary chart. I wish to repeat here that lagna or rahu is not reckoned for the purpose of obtaining sarvashtakavarga of 337 bindus eventhough there is difference of opinion among learned scholars on this point.
 Sun 48
 Moon 49
 Mars 39
 Mercury 54
 Jupiter 56
 Venus 52
 Saturn 39
 Total 337
Source : neelastro

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