

Astrological Reason for Delays in Marriage or Break up of Affair

Delay in Marriage or Break up of Affair

Position, movement, aspects, dasha, antar dasha, Gochar (transit) play a important role in determining the marriage time of a person. Star movement,placement and effection with other planets and house depicts when the marriage of the girl/wife will take place. It depicts when the person will get married, wether there will be any hurdles, wether there is any sign of divorce, wether there is any sign of delayed in marriage. In this section we will discuss why the person marriage gets delayed ? why person/families keep on searching for suitable match, but still there is no suitable match found. Why all of the sudden person gets engaged and get married and no hassles comes in the ways of getting married. For marriage purposes, following houses has significance

1. Seventh house represents the house of partner. If the lord of seventh house is situated in good house and seventh house or lord of seventh house is seen by Jupiter. Then the person marriage happens very easily. If the lord of seventh house is placed in sixth,eight or twelth house and and seventh house or lord of seventh house is being aspected by sun,saturn,rahu or ketu, then definitely problem or delay in marriage comes. If the lord of seventh house is placed in house and his degree is from 0 to 3 or from 27to 30. Then the power of seventh house totally declines. This also leads to delay in marriage.

2. Second house and Fourth house - These two house represents family life and comforts obtained from family respectively. If fourth house is being aspected by cruel stars like ( rahu, keu, saturn, mars and sun ), then chances of delay, not getting much comforts from marriage, not getting good treatment in laws house is depicted.



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