

Kemadruma Yogas | Yogas in Vedic Astrology - Part 3

There are other kinds of Kemadruma Yogas mentioned in Jataka Parijata
which are as follows :-

(1) The Moon in Lagna or the 7th but not aspected by Jupiter.

(2) All the planets devoid of strength and less Bindus in Ashtakavarga.

(3) The Moon in case of a night birth if in fall or in enemy's Rasi/Navamsa
and aspected by the 10th lord.

(4) The Moon in Scorpio Navamsa joining a malefic and aspected by Lagna

(5) The waning Moon in Neecha Rasi for a night birth. As regards Anapha,
Sunapha and Durudhara Yogas according to Saravali by all possible permutations
and transmutations, one can see 30 kinds of Sunapha yoga, 30 kinds of Anapha and
180 kinds of Durudhara yogas. For details please consult English translation and
commentary of Saravali published by Ranjan Publications.

6. The person with Sunapha Yoga at birth will be a monarch or his equal
with self acquired property and respected and renounced for his intellectual ability
and riches. The person born with Anapha Yoga will be powerful, will enjoy good
health and will have sweet temperament. He will be famous and all worldly
comforts will be available to him. He will be well dressed contented and happy.

7. The native with Durudhara Yoga will enjoy all comforts of life as may
become available to a ruler and will own abundant wealth and vehicles. He will be
generous and will be attended to by faithful servants.
One born under Kemadruma Yoga even if he belongs to a royal family, will
become unknown and will lead a miserable life. He will be addicted to immoral
ways, will face poverty, will be a menial and will be wickedly disposed.

8. If benefic planets other than the Moon (and the nodes) are posited in the
2nd, the 12th and both the Bhavas from the Sun, the Yogas so formed are known as
Subhavesi, Subhavasi and Subhobhayachari respectively. But if the planets
forming the Yogas are malefics, the yogas so formed are called Papavesi, Papavasi,
and Papobhayachari respectively.

When the 12th and 2nd from the Lagna are occupied by benefics, the Yoga
so formed is called Subhakartari. If these houses are occupied by malefics the
resultant yoga is called Papakartari.

If benefics without being aspected by malefics occupy the 2nd house from
the Lagna, the Yoga so arising is known as Susubha.

Notes — In most of the authoritative works of Hindu Astrology
differendation lias been made between malefics and benefics in forming
Subhavesi, Subhavasi and Subhobhayachari Yogas. According to them —

(1) The yoga is called Subhavesi if amongst Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
and Saturn, any of them is in the 2nd to the Sun.

(2) The Yoga is known as Subhavasi if any amongst the planets mentioned
above is in the 12th to the Sun.

(3) If any or more of the above planets are in the 2nd and 12th the Yoga is
known as Ubhayachari Yoga.

But as will be seen from verse 8, Shri Mantreswara has made a definite and
clear distinction between the Yogas formed by benefics and those formed by
malefics. We feel that Mantreswara's views are very logical and therefore correct.

9. The person with Subhavesi Yoga at birth will be very good looking,
happy, meritorious, valiant, a king and virtuous. The person with Subhavasi Yoga
will be renowned, dear to all, and very rich and prosperous. He will be governed
and will be liked by the king. The native having Subhobhayachari Yoga in his birth
chart will have an attractive body, will be soft spoken, will delight the world, will
be eloquent, renowned and wealthy.

10. The person with Asubhavesi Yoga at birth will unfairly defame others,
will not be beautiful and will move in the company of low and wicked people. The
person with Asubhavasi Yoga will be dishonest, harsh and abusive in speech and
will associate with wicked people. He will be unvirtuous though he will have
knowledge of Shastras and Scriptures. The person born in Asubhobhayachari yoga
will suffer mentally due to dishonour in public and will be devoid of wealth and

11. Subhakartari Yoga at birth will make a person longlived, fearless, healthy
and without enemies. Papakartari Yoga will make the person miserable, bereft of
wife and children. He will have defective limbs and will have a short life.

Notes — Saravali which makes no differences between Subhavesi and
Subhavasi and Asubhavesi and Asubhavasi Yogas has given effects of different
planets forming Vesi and Vasi and Ubhayachari Yogas. According to Saravali
should Jupiter cause Vesi Yoga, the native will accumulate money, be learned and
be good-treated. If Venus produces this yoga, the person will be timid, will face
obstacles in his missions, will have pleasant (swift) movements and will be
defeated. Mercury's participation Indicates that native will be a servant, will suffer
penury, be soft-spoken and be modest. He will be bashful. Mars denotes that native
will resort to base means but will be helpful to others. If it is Saturn that causes
vesi yoga, one will join others' wives, will be wicked, will resemble an old person
in appearence, will be fraudulent in disposition and be contemptuous. He will,
however, have wealth.

If Jupiter should cause vasi yoga, the native will possess courage, strength
and wisdom. He keeps up his word. In the case of Venus, the person will be
valorous, famous, virtuous and reputed. Mercury emanating this Yoga will make
one speak sweetly. He will be beautiful and will obey other's orders. The Vasi Yoga
caused by Mars indicates that the subject will be victorious in war, will be famous
and will own fortunes. If the Yoga is caused by Saturn, the native will be
businessman, wicked, will steel others' money, will hate elders and will be husband
of a pious woman.

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