

Planets in 4th house vedic astrology - Tamil Jothidam Tips

Planets in 4th house and Person Characteristics

Jupiter in 4th house
You are generous, self-confident, hospitable and patriotic. Prosperity usually increases in later years. You desire a home that is spacious and comfortable. Parental influence is strong in shaping your character. Perhaps your parents shared a strong faith with you. Usually, considerable help and/or an inheritance is received from the parents. With Jupiter well-aspected, it is better to stay where you were born rather than move away from your birthplace. Guard against becoming ostentatious and watch out for self-indulgence.

Uranus in 4th house
You may experience unsettled home or family conditions. These events usually happen quite unexpectedly, out of the blue. Your family heritage may be eccentric or unusual and family skeletons can appear. This position gives restlessness, perhaps with a desire to move often. Your parent(s) or your relationship with either parent may be unusual, which will affect you emotionally (nerves) for good or otherwise. There will be many changes in your life, including different localities. You desire to remain free from commitments to either a home or a community. You may be unconventional and not interested in how others view you. Later in life, you may develop an interest in astrology or in metaphysics.

Saturn in 4th house
You are probably conservative and perhaps find security in land or real estate or in old, traditional ways, beliefs, things or antiques. You may dislike change because of an unconscious fear of the unknown. You may have a desire to accumulate possessions, for security reasons. There may be many responsibilities and problems in your home or family life. You may be somewhat of a tyrant or strict disciplinarian in your home or with your family. Inner worries may cause ulcers. You may be a caretaker of someone or of your parents, perhaps because of a karmic debt to them. The later part of life can be more rewarding if you learn the lessons life has to teach you in your earlier years. If not, then old age may not be as pleasant.

Mercury in 4th house
You tend to be studious, with literary interests. You like to study at home. Continual studying gives you a sense of inner security. You may be high-strung and need to learn to relax and take a break from all that book work. There can be many changes of residences due to your restlessness and your need to find a place for yourself. Wherever you end up, your home will no doubt contain a study area or a special spot where you can just talk to friends and acquaintances.

Mars in 4th house
There is an early striving for independence and a desire for security and a home of your own. There may be tension or antagonism in your family environment. Perhaps you are too demanding of those closest to you. You must overcome your hidden antagonisms and quarrelsomeness. Your strong emotions must be toned down and controlled. Go out and do some yard work to work off the excess energy.

Venus in 4th house
You desire beautiful things and a nice, rather luxurious home. You have an artistic nature with a talent for making people welcome in your home. Entertaining at home gives you real pleasure. There is a love of family and children. The latter part of life may be pleasant and comfortable, although you may find a tendency to add weight in later life.

Pluto in 4th house
You may have a good imagination and intuitive ability. There is a desire for a loving home atmosphere, yet power struggles and a desire to wear the pants in the family may cause problems. The influence of one or both parents is strong for good or ill. Perhaps one or both are manipulative or controlling. You may possess an explosive temper due to the inner tension at home. You may feel restless in the place of your birth. The home may be your place for regeneration.

Sun in 4th house
You desire to build strong inner and outer foundations, but, at times, you may have the wish to retreat from society when life becomes difficult. The influence of either or both parents is strong for good or otherwise. There is pride in the home and that is where you want to shine and show your creativity. That is where you can be the real you. You want to be king of your castle, but just don't be too demanding at home. No one likes a dictator.

Neptune in 4th house
You may experience a sense of inner uncertainty, insecurity and confusion. Unexplainable fears and anxieties may cause you to withdraw from living. You idealize the home environment and it may be, in reality, more in your imagination rather than in fact. A spiritual tie with one or both parents is likely. A desire to live by the sea is not uncommon with this position. You may have vague recollections regarding your true roots and this uncertainty may cause difficulties. Remember, with Neptune, things are not as they appear and you need to face reality in your home environment and with respect to your parents rather than what may be in your imagination and sub-conscious.

Moon in 4th house
There is a strong sense of family and home with this position. A love of antiques perhaps grounds you to your roots. Security is very important to you and you seem to get that through your foundations, your home and family, and your parents. Things collected serve as reminders of the past which you maybe try too hard to hold on to. Many changes of residence can occur until you find your personal foundation or roots. One or both parents are strong in your life. Concerning vocation: the emphasis is on the home. Maybe working in your home would be most fulfilling or maybe you simply need to make your place of work very homey, using photographs, mementos, furniture, etc., to establish the most personal atmosphere. The need during work is for security and comfort. 

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