

Strengths of Planets and Houses

This Chapter deals with as to how to assess the strength of the planets and
houses (bhavas). In this connection before mentioning the view of Shri
Mantreswara, it will be useful to know the views of other ancients.

 Six kinds of strength of planets is an important and very instructive
contribution of Hindu Astrology. According to our sapient learneds the six kinds of
strengths are (1) Sthan Bala, (2) Drik Bala, (3) Kala Bala, (4) Chesta Bala, (5)
Naisargik Bala, and (6) Ayana Bala.

Sthan Bala — This is of the following twelve kinds:—

(1) Uchcha Bala —A planet at his deep exaltation point, is allotted 1 Rupa
(60 Shastayamsa). If he is at his deep debilitation point, his strength is nil. At the
intervening positions the strength has to be worked out by the rule of three. This is
known as Uchcha Bala.

(2) If a planet is in his Moolatrikona Rasi he gets 36 Shastayamsa of
strength. In the Rasi of Adhimitra he gets 22.5 Shastayamsa and 15 Shastayamsa if
he is in the sign of a friend. He gets 7.5 Shastayamsa in a neutral Rasi, 3.75 in the
Rasi of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa in the Rasi of Adhishatru.

(3) He gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Hora, 22.5 Shastayamsa in the Hora
of Adhimitra, 15 Shastayamsa in the Hora of a friend, 7.5 Shastayamsa in the Hora
of a neutral, 3.75 Shastayamsa in the Hora of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa
only in the Hora of a Adhishatru.

(4) He gets 30 Shastayamsa strength in his own decanate, 22.5 Shastayamsa
in the decanate of an Adhimitra, 15 Shastayamsa in the decanate of a friend, 7.5
Shastayamsa in the decanate of a neutral, 3.75 Shastayamsa in the decanate of an
enemy and 1,875 Shastayamsa in the decanate of Adhishatru.

(5) He gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Saptamsa, 22.5 in the Saptamsa of
Adhimitra, 15 in the Saptamsa of a friend, 7.5 in the Saptamsa of a neutral, 3.75 in
the Saptamsa of an enemy and 1.875 Shastayamsa in the Saptamsa of an Adhishatru.

(6) He gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength in his own Navamsa. 22.5 in the
Navamsa of an Adhimitra, 15 in the Navamsa of a friend. 7.5 in the Navamsa of a
neutral, 3.75 in the Navamsa of an enemy and only 1.875 in the Navamsa of an

(7) A planet gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength if he is in own Dwadasamsa,
22.5 in the Dwadasamsa of his Adhimitra, 15 in the Dwadasamsa of a friend, 7.5 in
the Dwadasamsa of his neutral, 3.75 in the Dwadasamsa of his enemy and 1.875 in
the Dwadasamsa of his Adhishatru.

(8) A planet gets 30 Shastayamsa in his own Trimsamsa, 22.5 in the
Trimsamsa of his Adhimitra, 15 in the Trimsamsa of his friend, 7.5 in the
Trimsamsa of his neutral, 3.75 in the Trimsamsa of his enemy and 1.875 in the
Trimsamsa of his Adhishatru.

(9) (a) The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn amongst those five whoever is in
an Oja Rasi (viz. Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius) gets 15

(b) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in Yugma (Taurus, Cancer,
Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces) Navamsa, gets 15 Shastayamsas.

(11) A planet in Kendra Rasi gets 1 Rupa (60 Shastayamsa). That in a
Panaphara Rasi gets 30 Shastayamsa and on an Apoklima Rasi gets 15

(12) (a) Amongst the Sun, Mars and Jupiter whoever is in the first Drekkana
gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength. In other Drekkanas they get no strength at all.

(b) Amongst Saturn and Mercury, whoever is in the 2nd Drekkana, gets 15
Shastayamsa of strength.

(c) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in the last Drekkana. gets 15
Shastayamsa of strength.

These 12 combinations are known as Sthan Bala. In Sanskrit they are called,
(1) Uchcha Bala, (2) — (8) Saptavarga Bala, (9) Oja Yugma Rasi Bala. (10)
Oja-Yugma navamsa Bala, (11) Kendradi Bala and (12) Dreshtakana Bala.

Drik bala (Directional strength)

(a) Amongst the Sun and Mars, whoever Is the 10th Bhava madhya (South)
gets 1 Rupja strength. Their strength is nil if they are located in the 4th Bhava
madhya. In the intervening locations, the strength has to be calculated

(b) Amongst the Moon and Venus, whoever is in 4th Bhava madhya (North)
gets 1 Rupa of strength. Their strength is nil if they are located in the 10th Bhava
madhya. In the intervening locations their strength has to be calculated

(c) Amongst Mercury and Jupiter, whoever is in the Bhava madhya of the
1st Bhava (Lagna) (East) get 1 Rupa of strength. Their strength is nil if located in
7th Bhava madhya (West).

(d) If Saturn is in the 7th Bhava madhya, he gets 1 Rupa of strength. In the
1st Bhava madhya his strength is nil. In the intervening locations the strength has
to be calculated proportionately.

Kala Bala
This is admixture of the kinds of strength as described below: —

(1) (a) The Sun, Jupiter and Venus get 1 Rupa of strength exactly at midnoon.
Exactly at mid-night they are devoid of any strength. For the intervening
periods the strength has to be calculated proportionately.

(b) The Moon, Mars and Saturn get one Rupa of strength if the birth is
exactly at mid-night. Exactly at mid-noon, their strength is nil. For the intervening
periods, the strength has to be calculated proportionately.

(c) Mercury gets one Rupa of strength if the birth be at any time during the
day time.

(2) (a) When the Sun and the Moon are at a distance of 180° from each
other, the benefics get one Rupa of strength. When they are together the benefics
get no strength at all. For the intervening distances, the strength has to be
calculated proportionately.

The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are benefics. Keshavi Jatak is of the view that Mercury if associated with a malefic becomes a malefic. But some

Acharyas are of the view that for determining kala Bala Mercury should be treated
as a benefic. We support this view.

(b) When the Sun and the Moon are In the same sign and the same degree,
the malefics get 60 Shastayamsa (one Rupa of Kala Bala). If they are (the Sun and
the Moon) 180° away from each other, the Kala bala of the malefics will be nil In
the intervening distances, the strength is to be worked out proportionately.

The Sun, Mars and Saturn are malefics.
This strength is known as Paksha Bala which comes under the purview of
Kala Bala.

(c) The Paksha Bala of the Moon should be doubled (the Moon is never
retrograde. Therefore it never gets Chesta Bala. Therefore, Paksha Bala of the
Moon is doubled).

(3) (a) Divide the Dinamana (the time between Sunrise and Sunset) into
three parts, if the birth is during the day. If the birth be in the first part Mercury
will get one Rupa of Paksha Bala. If the birth be in the second part of Dinamana,
the Sun will get one Rupa of Paksha Bala. If the birth be in the 3rd part, Saturn will
get one Rupa of this strength.

(b) Divide the Ratrimana (the time between Sunset and Sunrise) into three
parts, if the birth be during the night. If the birth be in the first part, the Moon will
get one Rupa of strength. If the birth be in the second part, Venus will get one Rupa
of this strength, and if the birth be in the third part Mars will get similar quantum
of strength.

(c) Jupiter will get one Rupa of this strength if the birth be at any time
during the 24 hours.

(4) One year is of 360 days and one month is of 30 days Find out the day of
the week from which the year commences, the lord of that day becomes the lord of
the year. The lord of the year gets 15 Shastayamsa of strength.

(5) Similarly find out the day of the week from which the month
commences, the lord of that day gets 30 Shastayamsa of strength.

(6) The lord of the day in which birth takes place, gets 45 Shastayamsa of

(7) The planet in whose hora the birth takes place gets one Rupa of strength.


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