

Yogas in Vedic Astrology

1. If Mars occupies Aries or Scorpio (his own signs), or Capricorn (his sign
of exaltation), identical with a kendra, the yoga so formed is known as Ruchaka.

If Mercury occupies Gemini (his own sign) or Virgo (his sign of exaltation)
identical with a kendra, the Yoga so formed is called Bhadra Yoga.

If Jupiter occupies Sagittarius or Pisces (his own sign) or Cancer (his sign of
exaltation) identical with a kendra, the Yoga arising from such a disposition is
known as Hamsa Yoga.

If Venus occupies Taurus or Libra (his own sign) or Pisces (his sign of
exaltation) identical with a kendra, the Yoga so formed is called Malavya Yoga.

If Saturn occupies Capricorn or Aquarius (his own sign) or Libra (his sign of
exaltation), the Yoga so formed is known as Sasa Yoga.

Nates - These five Yogas have been named as Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas.
Jataka Parijata has defined these Yogas as under :-

"According as Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn possessing the
greatest strength and occupying a kendra is in Moolatrikona, Swakshetra or
Swochcha, the resulting Rajayogas will be named Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa,
Malavya and Sasa the beautiful"

According to Saravali "Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury remaining
in their respective own houses or exaltation signs, identical with kendra cause
Malavya, Ruchaka, Sasa, Hamsa and Bhadra Yogas respectively"

But it is imperative that Yogas will give the promised effects only when the
Lagna or the Moon and the Yoga forming planets are without blemish. In other
words they are vested with strength and are not associated with or in conjunction
with malefics, are not combust and not placed between malefics.

As the names of Yogas denote the presons with such Yogas at birth become
Mahapurushas or illustrious persons. We have also found that the many of the
noted politicians and administrators had one or more of such yogas present in their
birth charts, some illustrative birth charts are given below :

2. The person born in Ruchaka Yoga has a long face. He acquires wealth by
performing courageous deeds. He will be full of valour and powerful, will conquer
his enemies and will be arrogant. He will become famous by virtue of merits and
will be commander of an army and will be successful in all his ventures.

The person with Bhadra Yoga at birth will be longlived. He will be
intelligent, will be clean (pure thoughts and clean body), praised by learned
persons, very rich and prosperous and eloquent in his speeches.

3. The person born with Hamsa Yoga at birth, will be a king, a high political
or gvernment dignitary respected by good people. He will have in his hands and
feet marks of Conch, Lotus, Fish and Ankusha. His body will be beautiful, will eat
delicious food and will be virtuous.

The person born in MaJavya Yoga will have strong limbs, will be very rich,
blessed with wife and children and good fortune. He will be prosperous, will enjoy
pleasures of life, will possess good vehicles and become renowned and learned. He
will have imperturbed senses.

4. The person with Sasa Yoga at birth will be acclaimed by all, have good
servants, will be strong, will be the head of a village or a king. He will be wicked
by nature and will associate with women not his own. He will be inclined to use
other's wealth and will be happy.

These five yogas reckoned from the Lagna as well as from the Moon and
will be found effective from both the places. They bestow on the native an empire
and perfection. The person with one such yoga will be fortunate, with two such
yogas will be equal to a king, with three he will be a king, four such yogas will
make him a sovereign of sovereigns (Emperor) and with five such yogas the
person will be superior to an Emperor.

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  1. Badhra yoga is formed ina horoscope when Mercury is in quadrant or trine from Lagna and in own house or in exaltation. This yoga will confer to natives of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces Accentants. This is one of the yoga of pancha maha purusha yogas.
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  2. Bhadra Yog gives you a business mind and such people are commonly seen working as business men or in banking / finance / insurance / stock market etc.
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  3. Mercury represents wisdom, intelligence, education, intellect, speech and business. Bhadra yoga is formed when strong Mercury is posited in one of the four houses, 1st ,4th ,7th or 10th house from ascendant, in its own sign(Gemini or Virgo) or exalted sign(Virgo), in an individual’s birth chart.
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  4. If in a horoscope,Mercury is situated in the Kendra or Angular houses first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house, in its own zodiac sign Gemini and Virgo or in exalted zodiac sign that is Virgo, then Bhadra mahapurush yoga is formed in the horoscope
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  5. The native is long lived, has a piercing intellect, not at all cunning or scheming, is revered by the intelligentsia, is an excellent Orator, enjoys comforts and luxury, talks very little, and is habitually silent, makes an excellent diplomat and is a good solicitor.
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