

Effects of conjunction of two planets in Tamil Jothidam Tips - Part 1

Aspects of conjunction of two planets

1. If at the birth of a person the Sun be in conjunction with the Moon, he will
be skilled in machine and stone work. If the Sun be in conjunction with Mars, he
will be sinful. If the Sun be associated with Mercury, the native will be talented,
intelligent, renowned and happy. If the Sun be in conjunction with Jupiter the
person concerned will be cruel and will intent on helping others. If the Sun and
Venus be together at birth, the native will earn through dancing, singing, by acting
in theatre or Cinema or by the use of weapons. If the Sun be in conjunction with
Saturn; the native will be skillful in the working of metals or in various sorts of
2. If the Moon be in conjunction with Mars, the person will be a dealer in
hammer, ploughs and similar rough instruments, and earthen pots. He will be
disobedient to his mother. If the Moon be associated with Mercury, the person
concerned will be soft spoken, will be clever in interpretation (or clever in
financial matters). He will be fortunate and famous. When the Moon be in
conjunction with Jupiter, the person concerned will be victorious over enemies and
fickle minded. He will be head of his family and very wealthy. If the Moon and
Venus be together, the person concerned will specialise in weaving, tailoring and
dying of clothes. If the Moon be in conjunction with Saturn, the person born will
be the son of a woman (widow) who remarried.
3. If at birth Mars and Mercury be associated with each other, the person
concerned, will be a dealer in herbs, plants, books, oil and drugs. He will be clever
in boxing. If Mars and Jupiter be together he will be administrator of a city or
town, or a king or a rich Brahmin. If Mars be with Venus, the person born will be
owner of court, a wrestler, one who has affairs with other people's wives, gambler,
and clever. When Mars and Saturn be together the native will be unhappy,
condemned by all and does not stick to his word.
4. When Mercury be in conjunction with Jupiter at birth, the person
concerned will be an actor, fond of singing and well versed in dancing. When
Mercury be associated with Venus, the native will be eloquent in speech, owner of
lands and will become head of assembly. If Mercury be conjoined with Saturn, the
person will be an expert cheat, and addicted to licentious pleasures.
If Jupiter be in conjunction with Venus the person born will be learned, will
possess wealth and wife and will be equipped with noble qualities. If Jupiter be
associated with Saturn at birth, the person concerned will be a barber, a potter or a
5. If Venus and Saturn be together, the native will be short sighted. Such a
person earns wealth and becomes prosperous through a young woman. He will be
well versed in painting and writing.
If more than two planets get Into conjunction in a house, the effects should
be declared by taking into account the effects described for the various pairs of
planets constituting the Yoga.
Effects of aspects on the Moon
6. If the Moon be in Aries the effects of aspect on her by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will respectively make the native (1) poor, (2) a
king, (3) learned, (4) equal to a king, and (6) a thief.
If the Moon be in Taurus and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) a servant, (2)
poor, (3) a thief, (4) one reverred by all, (5) a King and (6) wealthy.
7. If the Moon be in Gemini and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, he will respectively become (1) poor, (2) dealer in iron
instruments, (3) a king, (4) learned, (5) courageous and (6) a weaver.
If the Moon be in Cancer and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the effects will be to make him (1) a victim of eye
troubles, (2) a warrior, (3) learned, (4) intelligent, (5) a king (6) one who earns his
livelihood by dealing in articles made of iron.
8. When the Moon be in Leo and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) a king, (2) one
well versed in astrology, (3) wealthy, (4) a king and (5) a barber.
When the Moon be in Virgo and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively become (1) a king, (2)
clever, (3) a king, (4) a commander, (5) a land owner.
9. When the Moon be in Libra and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the result will respectively make the native (1) a wicked
person, (2) a rouge, (3) a king, (4) a gold smith, (5) a business man and (6) a back
If the Moon be in Scorpio and be aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1) poor, (2) a king,
(3) father or mother of twins, (4) a cloth dealer, (5) one with deformed limbs.
10. If at birth the Moon be in Sagittarius and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the native will respectively become (1)
arrogant and proud, (2) a cheat, (3) administrator over many persons, (4) a king, or
chief of a group of persons, (5) a supporter of many persons, and (6) stupid.
If at birth the Moon be in Capricorn and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person will respectively become (1)
poverty stricken, (2) a king, (3) a king, (4) a king, (5) a learned or wise person and
(6) wealthy.
11. If at birth the Moon be in Aquarius and be aspected by the Sun, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will become (1) one reverred
by people, (2) witty, (3) a land owner, (4) a king, (5) one popular amongst
prostitutes, (6) king of kings.
If at birth the Moon be in Pisces and aspected by the Sun, Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the person born will respectively become (1) a wicked
person, (2) sinful, (3) intelligent, (4) a king, (5) a learned person, and (6) one intent
on finding fault with others.
Effects of the Moon Various Navamsas and of the aspect of the different
planets on her in that position.

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Tagged with: Effects of conjunction of two planets, conjunction of two planets in vedic astrology, conjunction of planets in different houses, Results of Union of two planets in Vedic Astrology, How a conjunction works in Vedic Astrology, Conjunction of Planets, Aspects of conjunction of two planets , Planetary aspects


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