

General effects of the twelve houses in Vedic Astrology- Part 1

1. The body of the native is built corresponding to the lord of the Navamsa
Lagna or the strongest planet in nativity. His complexion will be according to the
lord of the house occupied by the Moon. His body and limbs will be in propotion
to the rising sign (Lagna) and other signs which are described as forming the head
and other portions of Kalapurusha.
2. If the lord of the Lagna occupies a kendra or trikona, be uneclipsed and in
his sign of exaltation or own sign and the Lagna be occupied by benefics, while the
lord of the 8th be in a house other than kendra, the native will be long lived,
wealthy, praiseworthy, equipped with virtues, honoured by the king, fortunate,
possesses beautiful limbs and strong body, fearless, religious minded and having a
happy family.
3. If the lord of Lagna be related to an auspicious planet, the native will
reside in a good village and amidst noble associations. If the lord of the Lagna be
associated with a planet vested with strength, the native will live under the
patronage of a renowned king.
When the lord of Lagna be posited in his sign of exaltation, the person will
become a king (but he should not be in 6th, 8th, or 12th).
If the lord of the Lagna be in a moveable sign, the native will contiune to
move from place to place.
If the lord of the lagna be in a fixed sign, the native will live permanently at
one place.
If the lord of the Lagna be in a dual sign, the native will live for some time
at one place while at other times he will move from place to place.
4. If at birth, the lord of Lagna be with brilliant rays, the native becomes
famous. If the lord of Lagna occupies an auspicious position, the native will be
happy and prosperous. If, however, the lord of Lagna be placed in a dusthana, be in
his sign of debilitation or in the sign of a malefic, the native will be miserable and
live in an undesirable place.
If the lord of Lagna be equipped with strentgth and be posited in an
auspicious house, the native will be happy, valiant, prosperous and will come to
power and prominence.
If the lord of the Lagna be devoid of strength, the native will be constantly
overcome by calamities, be unhappy and will lead a sickly life.
5. If the lord of the 2nd house be posited in the Lagna while the 2nd house
be occupied by benefics, the native will be equipped with the best of qualities,
wealth, with a handsome face and farsighted and will have a prosperous family.
If the lord of the 2nd be connectd with or related to the Sun, the native will
be wealthy and utilise his wealth for the good of the whole humanity.
If the lord of the 2nd be related to Saturn, the person concerned will be
bereft of learning or it will be of a very low order.
6. If the lord of the 2nd be connected with Jupiter, the native will be well
versed in the Vedas and the sacred scriptures. If Mercury be the Planet so
associated, the native will specialise in economics and allied subjects, with Venus
as the associate the native will be expert In amorous topics. When the lord of the
2nd is connected with Moon, the person concerned will be clever in some kinds of
arts. When connected with Mars, the native will be adapt in tasks involving cruelty
and he will be a back-biter. If the planet asociated with the lord of the 2nd be Rahu,
the native will be stammering. If he be Ketu, the person concerned will stammer
and speak falsehood.
If malefics occupy the 2nd house, the native will be a fool and without
7. If the lord of the 3rd and the lord of the Lagna be connected with each
other by mutual exchange of places, the native will be capable of performing
daring acts, patient, volorous and will be affectionate towards his brothers.
8. If the lord of the 3rd house be equipped with strength, be conjoined with a
benefic and the karaka of the 3rd house be also strong and posited in a benefic
house, the prosperity of brothers is assured. If, however, the lord of the 3rd and its
karaka be weak and be posited in a dusthana, the result will be destruction of
9. If the lord of the 3rd house and its karaka (Mars) be posited in odd signs
and be aspected by Jupiter the Sun and Mars and the 3rd house also falling in an
odd sign, the native will have as many brothers as revealed by the navamsa of both
the karaka and the lord of the 3rd house.
10. Hie mother of the native dies soon after his birth if in any nativity, the
lord of the 4th and the Moon be posited in dusthana unassociated with and
unaspected by any benefics, or be hemmed in between malefics and be associated
with or aspected by malefics. Should, however, the above two planets be strong, be
associated with or aspected by benefics and a benefic occupies the 4th house, the
mother's happiness is assured. Mother will also live happily with benefics be
posited in auspicious houses reckoned from the Moon.
11. The native will certainly perform the funeral rites of his mother if —
(1) The lord of the 4th be in the Lagna and the lord of Lagna be in the 4th.
(2) The Moon be aspected by the lord of either the lord of the Lagna or the
lord of the 4th house.
The native will be unable to perform the funeral rites of his mother if the
planetary dispositions be as under —
(i) If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 4th be in the 6th and the 8th
with reference to each other or be in each other's sign of depression or inimical
(ii) They may not be connected with each other in any way.

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Tagged with: 12 houses and their significance, Astrological Houses, astrology houses and their characteristics, astrology houses meaning, Bhavas, Bhavas in vedic astrology, Chandra Lagna (Moon lagna), Dhana, Dharma, Each Bhava as per sage Parasara, horoscope house significance, Houses, houses and their meanings, houses in astrology, houses in general Lagnam, Houses in horoscope,
houses in vedic astrology, Houses or Bhavas in Vedic Astrology, Jothisha, Kendras, Lagna, meaning of different houses in horoscope, meaning of houses in horoscope, Meaning of the 12 houses,
meanings of houses in astrology, Meanings of the Houses, Rising sun, The 12 Houses and Their Meanings, Trikonas, Twelve Houses of the Horoscope, Vedasastras, what does each house in astrology represent, zodiac house meanings


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