

General effects of the twelve houses in Vedic Astrology - Part 3

25. If Saturn being lord of the 9th, be in a moveable sign unaspected by
benefics and the Sun be in a dusthana, the native (the child born) is brought up by a
person other than his father.
26. If the 9th house being in a moveable sign is associated with or aspected
by Saturn and if the lord of the 12th house be strong, the child born is sure to be
adopted by another.
27. If the 10th house be conjoined with a benefic and the lord of 10th with
full strength be posited in a kendra or trikora identical with his own sign or his sign
of exaltation, or if the lord of the Lagna equipped with strength be posited in the
10th, the native will be fortunate like a king, will be longlived and widely
renowned and will perform virtuous actions.
28. If the 10th house is occupied by the Sun and Mars, the native will be a
very influential and mighty personage. If at the same time lord of the 10th be
posited in an auspicious position, the person concerned will be capable of
accomplishing great undertakings with much valour and heroism. If the 10th house
be occupied by benefics he will undertake commendable ventures for the good of
the people. But the native will indulge in nefarious activities if the 10th is occupied
by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
29. Predict the acquisition or gain of articles connected with the (1) house
the lord of which is conjoined with the lord of the 11th, (2) the house in which the
lord of the 11th be posited and (3) the houses lords of which occupy the 11th.
Notes — For example the lord of the 11th is posited in the 5th, or the Jord of
the 5th occupies the 11th, or the lords of the 5th and the 11th are conjoined
together, with such disposition of the lords of the 5th and 11th, the prediction
should be that there will be gain or acquisition of learning and children and profit
in speculation because these are all signified by the 5th house.
30. Predict loss of the articles or significations connected with the (1) house
the lord of which occupies the 12th house and (2) the house in which the lord of
the 12th be posited.
Notes — For example the lord of the 4th occupies the 12th. This will cause
loss of vehicles and lands etc. If the 12th lord occupies the 5th, there may be loss
of children, or loss in speculation etc.
Fructification of the houses
31. The acquisition or success of a house should be declared in the following
situations :—
(1) When the lord of the Lagna passes in transit in trikona through the sign
or navamsa occupied by the lord of the house.
(2) When the lord of the Lagna passes through that house in transit.
(3) When the lord of the house transits in the sign which is trikona to the
sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna.
(4) When in course of transit the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the house
get conjoined or aspect each other.
(5) When the karaka of the house in course of his transit gets conjoined with
the lord of the Lagna or the lord of the sign occupied by the Moon.
Similar assessment should be made from the sign in which the Moon is
posited (Chandra lagna).
32. Note the position of the sign or navamsa occupied by the lord of the
house under consideration. When Jupiter, in course of his transit, is in trikona to
that sign and navamsa, the derivation of the good effects of the house may be
33. When in the course of their transit the lord of the Lagna and the 6th
house get into conjunction, the native will overcome his enemies, if the lord of the
6th house is weaker than the lord of the lagna. If the lord of the 6th house is
stronger than the lord of the Lagna, quite opposite will be the results.
34. If there be natural or temporal enimity between the lord of the lagna and
the lord of a house or they be posited 6th and 8th to each other, enimity or jealousy
will arise to the native with the person signified by that house, whenever the lord
of the lagna and the house concerned get conjoined in the course of their transits.
But if there is natural and temporal friendship between the lord of the lagna and the
lord of the house in.question, there will be new friendships whenever the two lords
conjoin in the course of their transits.
Notes — See the following horoscope as our example in this horoscope the
lord of the Lagna is the Sun and the lord of the 6th is Saturn. Both are natural and
temporal enemies and or in the 6th and 8th positions with respect to each other.
Whenever the Sun and Saturn conjoin in course of their transits, the native will
suffer on account of rivalries and enemities. Also note that the Sun is the lord of
the lagna and Jupiter is the lord of the 5th. Both are natural and temporal friends.
Good effects of 5th house should be derived when the Sun and Jupiter conjoin in
course of their transits.

35. The success of the house under examination may be declared when the
lord of the lagna gets into conjunction with the lord of that house in course of their
transits provided that the lord of the house concerned is strong, otherwise the result
will be different.
Similar assessment should be made with reference to the sign in which the
Moon Is posited (Chandra lagna).

Tagged with: 12 houses and their significance, Astrological Houses, astrology houses and their characteristics, astrology houses meaning, Bhavas, Bhavas in vedic astrology, Chandra Lagna (Moon lagna), Dhana, Dharma, Each Bhava as per sage Parasara, horoscope house significance, Houses, houses and their meanings, houses in astrology, houses in general Lagnam, Houses in horoscope,
houses in vedic astrology, Houses or Bhavas in Vedic Astrology, Jothisha, Kendras, Lagna, meaning of different houses in horoscope, meaning of houses in horoscope, Meaning of the 12 houses,
meanings of houses in astrology, Meanings of the Houses, Rising sun, The 12 Houses and Their Meanings, Trikonas, Twelve Houses of the Horoscope, Vedasastras, what does each house in astrology represent, zodiac house meanings


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