

Definitions and Characteristic of the Planets - Part 4

30-32. The substances assigned to the planets from the Sun to Saturn,
articles of their apparel and their tastes are as follows. The clothes will be of the
same color as belongs to the planets.

Planet                Substances          Colors of apparel                 Tastes
Sun                   Copper                 Saffron colored                   Pungent
Moon                bell-metal            White colored                     Saltish
Mars                  Copper                 Red                                    Bitter
Mercury            Ore                       Green                                 Mixed
Jupiter              Cold                      Yellow                               Sweet
Venus               Silver                     White                               Sour
Saturn               Iron                       Black (old)                       Astringent

The clothes of Mars are slightly burnt and those of Saturn are like a rag (old
and worn out).
Planets            Side on which the           Ages
                       mark will be found

Sun                Right side                       50 years
Moon             Left side                          70 years
Mars              Right side                       16 years
Mercury         Right side                        20 years
Jupiter            Right side                        30 years
Venus            Left side                          7 years
Saturn            Left side                            100 years

Rahu is also to represent the age of 100 years.

Notes — The above information is generally useful in queries.

33. Rahu is blue colored. He has a huge body. He is of a low caste. He has
got skin disease. He is irreligious. He suffers from hic-cough.
He speaks falsehood. He is cunning, a leper devoid of Intelligence and
defames others.

34. The eyes of Ketu are reddish with a fierce look. He has a venomous
tongue. His body is elevated. He wears arms and is an outcaste. His body is of
smoky color. He is always inhaling smoke (smoking). He has a body marked with
bruises. He is lean and brutal by nature.

35. The substance assigned to Rahu is lead and his clothes are old and worn
out. An earthen pot and garments of variegated colors belong to Ketu.
Mercury, Saturn and Venus are the friends of Rahu and Ketu. Mars is neutral
to them. The rest are enemies.
36. The planets should be considered adversely disposed, if they are eclipsed
(by the rays of the Sun), debilitated (be in a sign of debilitation or Navamsa), if
they are in any enemy's house or if they occupy the 6th, 8th or the 12th house from
the Ascendant. If they occupy other places, they are said to be well disposed.
If there be a query whether the water in a reservoir (or in an irrigation
project) will increase or decrease, increase in water should be predicted if the
Moon be in the 12th 11th, 1st, 6th. 5th or the 7th house at the time of the query.

Notes — The Moon is said to be eclipsed if she is 12° away from the Sun.
Mars is eclipsed when he is 17° away from the Sun. Mercury in direct motion is
eclipsed when he is 14° away from the Sun. Retrograde Mercury is eclipsed when
he is 12° away form the Sun. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are said to be eclipsed if
they are 11°, 10° and 15° respectively away from the Sun. A retrograde Venus is
eclipsed if he is 8° away from the Sun.

37. The various kinds of trees and plants signified by the different planets
are as follows :—

Sun - Strong and tall, Moon and Venus - Creeping plants, Rahu and Ketu -
Clump of a tree or bush Mars and Saturn - Thorny trees, Jupiter - Fruit bearing
trees. Mercury - Fruitless trees.

The trees which blossom and which supply some kind of juice belong to the
Moon and Venus. The trees which are juiceless or weak come under the
jurisdiction of Saturn. Saal trees are ruled by Rahu.


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