

Divisions of a sign

1. The ten-fold division of the Zodiac is known as Dasa vargas (Vargas mean
divisions). Under the scheme of Dasavarga the various divisions are as Under :—

(1) Rasi                         Each Rasi 30°
(2) Hora                         2 parts of a Rasi of 15° each.
(3) Drekkana                 3 parts of a Rasi of 10° each.
(4) Trimsamsa              5 parts of 5°, 7° or 8° each. (All parts
are not equal)
(5) Saptamsa                7 parts of 4°-17"-8" each.
(6) Navamsa                 9 parts of 3°-20 each.
(7) Dasmamsa             10 parts of 3°each.
(8) Dwadasamsa         12 parts of 2°-30' each.
(9) Shodasamsa                   16 parts of l°-16'-52" each.

(10) Shastyamsa         60 parts of 30' each.

Vargottama is the name given to that particular Navamsa in a Rasi which
bears the same sign as that of Rasi itself.

2. If amongst the ten vargas only the Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsa,
Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa are taken into consideration, the divisions are known
as Shad vargas. If we add Saptamsa division to them, the 7 kinds of divisions are
known as Sapta vargas.
Some learneds have taken the view that the effect emanating from Navamsa
is equal to that of Rasi and Bhava.

3. In Rasis the effect is full. In the Shodasamsa, Dasmamsa and Shastyamsa
divisions (Vargas) it is one-fourth. In the other vargas it is half. In an odd Rasi, the
planets are said to be in 'infancy, in boyhood, youth, in middle age and in very old
age (near death), according to first, second, third, fourth and last six degree
portions respectively reached by them in a sign. But in an even sign this is in the
reverse order.

Notes — In Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius there is
infancy up to 6 degrees, up to 12° boyhood, from there to 18° it is youth and up to
24° it is middle age and the last 6° comprise the very old age. It is reverse in the
case of even signs viz., Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

4. Hora is half of a Rasi. In an odd sign, the halves belong, to the Sun and
the Moon and to the Moon and the Sun when the sign is an even one.
The Drekkana or third portions of a sign belong to the lords of the sign itself,
of the 5th house and of the 9th house.

The owners of the Dwadasamas or l/12th portion of a sign are counted from
that sign.

In an odd sign the Trimsamsas or degrees, that is, l/30th portions belonging
to Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus are respectively 5, 5, 8, 7 and 5. In an
even sign it is reversed. Then Venus. Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars have 5, 7,
8, 5 and 5 degrees respectively.

The first Navamsa in the signs from Aries onwards begins respectively with
Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer.

5. In an odd sign in Krura Shastyamsas or inauspicious l/60th portions are
1st. 2nd, 8th, 9th. 10th, 11th. 12th. 15th, 18th, 30th, 31st. 32nd. 33rd. 34th, 35th,
39th. 40th, 42nd, 43rd, 44th. 48th, 51st. 52nd and 59th. The rest are Saumya or
auspicious ones. In the case of an even sign it is necessary, that is, the Shastyamsa
portions stated Krura in the odd signs are the Saumya ones in the even signs and
vice versa.

6. The Saptamsas or the l/7th portion are in the case of an odd sign, counted
regularly from the sign itself. In the case of an even sign, they are counted from 7th
sign onwards.

In the case of an odd sign, the Dasamamsas or 1/10th portions are counted
from the sign itself. In the case of an even sign, they are counted from the 9th
onwards. The lords of the Shodasamsas or the 1/16th portions in the case of an odd
sign are those of the 12th sign counted from that sign Brahma, Vishnu, Hora and
Ravi. In an even sign this is reversed.

If we have to assess the comparative strength of a planet, we should find out
whether he is in a kendra, trikona, in his own sign, in his moolatrikona sign, in his
sign of exaltation or is vargottama. Then we should scrutinize its portion in
Dasavarga or Saptavarga. Some make the assessment only from Dasavarga, others
assess the strength and auspiciousness of a planet from thirteen vargas.

7. The position of a planet has to be considered with reference to 13 vargas
to ascertain whether he is in his friend's house, his own house or in his house of
exaltation. The number of such vargas obtained by the planet will result in the
attainment of the following kinds of vaiseshikamsas. The combination of 2, 3. 4, 5,
6. 7, 8 and 9 vargas are respectively called Parijat, Uttama, Gopura, Simhasana,
Parvata. Devaloka, Suraloka and Airavata.

Shri V. Subrahmanya Sastri in his English Translation and Commentary of
this work has given the following example. Suppose Jupiter's position is 8-l°-25'-l"
or the 2nd Degree of Dhanus. He occupies his (1) Moolatrikona (2) Drekkana (3)
Saptamsa (4) Dasamsa (5) Dwadasamsa and (5) Shodasamsa. Thus Jupiter should
be declared to have attained a Parvatamsa.

8-9. The results of a planet attaining various Vaiseshikamsas are as follows:
Parijat amsa — Respectability, good qualities, wealth, happiness, authority
and dignity.
Uttamamsa — Modest, clever and well-behaved.
Gopuramsa — Intelligence, wealth, acquisition of lands, cows and house.
Simhasanamsa — Makes the native friend of a king or equal to him.
Paravatamsa — Acquisition of good houses, elephants, vehicles and other
princely appendages.
Devalokamsa — Kingship, renown for good qualities.
Suralokamsa — Endowment with good fortune, acquisition of wealth,
grains, and kingship and birth of children.

10. If in a nativity a planet be weak in all the 10 vargas the result will be the
death of the native. If the planets be weak in 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 out of the 10
vargas the results will be as follows: —
9 Vargas — Destruction of the native.
8 Vargas — Grief to the native.
7 Vargas — Calamity.
6 Vargas — Unhappiness.
5 Vargas — Love of kinsmen
4 Vargas — Foremost in the family
3 Vargas — Friend of a king
2 Vargas — Wealthy
1 Varga — Kingship

If a planet be strong in all the 10 Vargas, the native will be a king of kings.
A planet in infancy makes the native progressing. If he is in boyhood the
native achieves happiness. If the planet be adolescent, he endows the native with
kingship. The native suffers from ill health If the planet be in middle age. The
planet in old age causes death of the native.

Notes — This means that a planet from infancy to youth gives progressively
auspicious results and from middle age to old age the results are inauspicious.


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