

Strengths of Planets and Houses - Part 3

Mercury, Saturn and the Moon get Ayana bala when they are on the
Southern course. The rest are vested with Ayana bala when they are on the northern

3. A planet gets Sthana Bala (positional strength) according to position in his
sign of exaltation, in his own sign, in his friend's sign or in the six vargas.

A planet obtains one Rupa of strength in a Kendra, 1/2 Rupa in a Panaphara
house and 1/4 in an Apoklima house.

The hemaphrodite planets are strong in the middle of the sign (11° to 20°),
male planets in the first part of a sign (1° to 10°) and female in the last part of the
sign (21° to -30°).

Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, the Moon and the Sun are in their
natural or inherent strength (Nalsarglk Bala). This means Mars is stronger than
Saturn, Mercury is stronger than Mars, Jupiter is stronger than Mercury, Venus is
stronger than Jupiter; the Moon is stronger than Venus and the Sun is stronger than
the Moon. The Sun is the strongest and the Saturn is the weakest in inherent
strength or Naisargik Bala.

4. Even if a planet be in his sign of debilitation or debilitated Navamsa, he is
vested with full strength if he is retrograde and if his rays are full and brilliant.

Like the Moon, a planet will be treated as weak if his rays are eclipsed (on
account of being near the Sun) even though he may be posited in his sign of
exaltation, in his own or a friend's sign or Navamsa. This means that even if the
Moon be in Taurus or Cancer, if she is very near or with the Sun, she will be
considered weak. A debilitated Moon when she is full (on Pooran masi night) will
be treated as strong. This principle applies to other planets also.

5. All planets are strong when they are posited in their sign of exaltation.
The Moon is strong and auspicious when she has her full Paksha Bala. The Sun has
his full Dik Bala when he is in the 10th house. The other five non-luminous planets
are strong when they are retrograde.

Rahu is strong in Cancer, Taurus, Aries, Aquarius and Scorpio and Ketu is
strong in Pisces, Virgo, Taurus and the latter half of Sagittarius and in Partvesha
and Indrachapa when the Sun and the Moon are together in the same sign.

Notes. It will be useful to know at this stage now the position of Partvesha
and Indrachapa is worked out.
(1) Add 4 Rasis 13 degrees and 20 minutes to the longitude of the Sun
(Surya) Spasta. The result will be Dhooma.
(2) By deducting 12 Rasis from Dhooma we get Vyatipata.
(3) Add 6 Rasis to the longitude of Vyatipata, we will get Partvesha.
(4) By deducting 12 Rasis from the longitude of Parivesha, we will get

For example at birth the Sun's longitude is 7-26°-ll'-38". (1) Longitude of the
6. The first house gets one Rupa of strength if it is a triped sign. If it be
Vrischika it gets 1 /4 Rupa as its strength. In any other sign the strength will be 1/2

The strength of the Ascendant (Lagna) is equal to that of its Lord and is very
powerful when the lord occupies an Upachaya house (3, 6, 10, 11). It is also very
powerful when it .is aspected by its lord Jupiter or Mercury or when it is occupied
by Venus and is at the same time without the conjunction or aspect of any other

The day signs are strong in births during day time and the night signs in
birth during night time.

7. If a planet is in his sign of exaltation he gets one Rupa of positional
strength (Sthana Bala). He gets 3/4 of this strength in his Moolatrikona Rasi, 1/2
Rupa in his own sign and 1/4 Rupa in his friend's sign. He gets very little strength
when he is in his enemy's sign. If a planet is in his sign of depression or is
combust, he gets no positional strength at all.

8. The planets are vested with full positional strength in the Ascendant (first
house), 3/4th strength in the 7th house, 1/2 in the 10th house and 1/4 in the 4th
house. This is how a distinction has been drawn by the astrologers amongst the
four kendras.

9. The aspect from the 7th house is the only one that should be considered as
most effective in all cases. But some learneds are of the view that the special
aspects of Jupiter (to the 5th and the 9th), of Mars (to the 4th and the 8th) and of
Saturn (to the 3rd and the 10th) are equally competent in producing effects in all
Yogas and the like.

10. The Naisargik or natural friendship and enmity etc. of the planets is more
fully effective and preferable to their corresponding Tatkalik or temporal ones as
the latter is only of changing nature and not of permanent one.

11. In warding off evil and in promoting auspicious effects Jupiter is the
most powerful of all planets. Venus possesses half of the auspicious effects of
Jupiter and Mercury possesses only half of that of Venus. But the Moon's strength
is the foundation of the strength of all the planets.

Chandrakriya etc.

Now we will be demonstrating the method to work Chandrakriya, Chandra
Avastha and Chandravelas specify their effects. In the assessment of a birth chart,
query chart and for Muhurta, full consideration should be given to Chandrakriya,
Chandra Avastha and Chandravelas. Chandrakriyas are 60 in number, Chandra
Avasthas 12 and Chandravelas 36.

12. Note the Nakshatra at birth, query or Muhurta. The Ghatikas and
Vighatikas which have elapsed may be converted into Vighatikas.
Divide this result by (1) 60, (2) 300 and (3) 100. The three resulting
quotients are named (1) Chandrakriya, (2) chandra Avastha and (3) Chandravela
respectively. Their effects are described below.

Effects of Chandrakriyas

The following are the effects of the 60 Chandrakriyas:

13-15. (1) Loss of position, (2) One practising austerities, (3) One who has
bad intentions towards other persons' wives, (4) Gambler, (5) One who is mounted
on a prominent elephant, (6) One who is installed on a throne, (7) A king, (8)
Destroyer of enemies, (9) Commander of an army, (10) Equipped with good
qualities, (11) One that is dead or without any energy, (12) One whose head is
severed, (13) One who has injured head and feet, (14) One who is captured
(imprisoned), (15) One who is spoilt, (16) A king. (17) One who studies the Vedas,
(18) One who sleeps, (19) Virtuous, (20) One who acts according to Dharma, (21)
One who belongs to a good family, (22) One who unearths a treasure, (23) One
who belongs to a family of renowned and learned persons, (24) One clever in
exposition, (25) Destroyer of enemies, (26) Sickly, (27) Conquered by enemies,
(28) One who has left his native land, (29) A servant, (30) One whose all wealth
has been destroyed, (31) A number of royal assemblies, (32) A good minister or
adviser, (33) One who has become lord of other persons lands. (34) One who is
faithful to his wife, (35) One who is afraid of elephants, (36) Coward, (37) One
who Is very afraid, (38) One who lives in hiding. (39) One who feeds others, (40)
One who falls down in a Ore, (41) One who is hungry, (42) One who is eating, (43)
Wanderer, (44) Non-vegetarian, (45) One who is wounded by a weapon, (46)
Married, (47) One with a ball in his hand, (48) A gambler. (49) A king, (50) One
who is unhappy, (51) One who has lying on a couch, (52) One who is served by his
enemies, (53) One who has friends, (54) A Yogi, (55) One who is with his wife,
(56) One who is fond of sweets, (57) One who drinks milk, (58) One who performs
pious deeds, (59) Healthy and (60) Happy.

Effects of Chandra Avasthas

16. The following are declared by the wise as the effects of the 12 Avasthas
the Moon:

(1) Absent from one's home, (2) Favourite of a prominent king, (3) Loss of
life in slavery, (4) Distinguished for becoming a ruler, (5) Equipped with qualities
appropriate for his family, (6) Sickly, (7) Becoming member of a royal assembly,
(8) Fear, (9) Bitten with hunger, (10) Marriage with a young maiden, (11)
Ambitious to have a luxurious bed and (12) Eating good and delicious food.

Effects of Chandravelas

17-10. The following are the effects of 36 Chandravelas as declared by the
(1) Headache, (2) happiness, (3) performing a yagna, (4) sitting delighted
and comfortably, (5) eye diseases, (6) to be happy, (7) amusement with young
damsels, (8) high fever, (9) gold ornaments, (10) having tears in the eyes, (11)
taking poison, (12) cohabitation, (13) stomache ailments, (14) amusing oneself in
water, merriment and painting, (15) anga. (16) dancing, (17) rating gftee, (18)
sleeping, (19) to offer charities, (20) dental troubles, (21) quarrel, (22) travelling.
(23) intoxication or insanity, (24) swimming, (25) opposition, (26) bathing
according to will, (27) hunger, (28) fear. (29) studying shastras, (30) acting
according to own will, (31) meeting friends and gossiping with them, (32) fighting,
(33) sacred deeds, (34) indulging in sinful deeds, (35) perfect in cruel action, and
(36) exaltation.
Notes: Now we give below ready made tables for finding out the
Chandrakriyas, Chandra avasthas and Chandravelas.


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