

Strengths of Planets and Houses - Part 4


60 parts of a Nakshatra to find out Chandrakriya
The stretch of a Nakshatra is 13°-20'. One sixtieth part of which will be

For example in a nativity the longitude of the Moon (Chandraspasta) is 11-
20-37-21 and the stretch of Revti Nakshatra being from 11-16-40 to 12-0-0:
Longitude of the Moon 11-20-37
Commencement of Revti 11-16-40
Elapsed portion of Revti 3-57-21

By referring to the above table we will find that the 17th part ended at 3-46-
40 and the 18th part will end at 4-0-0. Therefore by the elapsing of 17th part the
effect of its Chandrakriya viz one. Who studies vedas' will be taken into account
which means that the native will be a learned person.

Chandra Avastha

For finding out Chandra Avastha the stretch of a Nakshatra has to be divided
into 12 parts. Thus one part will come to 1-6-40.

(1) 1-6-40 (5) 5-33-20 (9) 10-0- 0
(2) 2-13-20 (6) 6-40-0 (10) 11-6- 40
(3) 3-20-0 (7) 7-46-40 (11) 12-13-20
(4) 4-26-40 (8) 8-53-20 (12) 13-20- 0

For example the elapsed portion of Revti Nakshatra Is 3°-57'-21". The third
part ends at 3°-20-0 The 4th part will end at 4°-26'-40". Therefore the effect of 4th
part will be taken into account which is 'distinguished for becoming a ruler'.


For finding out the Chandravela the stretch of a Nakshatra viz 13°-20' has to
be divided into 36 parts. One part will thus come to 13'-13"-20"

(1) 0-22-13-20 (13) 4-48-53-20 (25) 9- 15-33-20
(2) 0-44-26-40 (14) 5-11-6-40 (26) 9-37-46-40
(3) 1-6-40- 0 (15) 5-13-20-0 (27) 10-0-0-0
(4) 1-28-53-20 (16) 5-55-13-20 (28) 10-22-13-20
(5) 1-57-6-40 (17) 6-17-46-40 (29) 10-49-26-40
(6) 2-13-20- 0 (18) 6-40-0- 0 (30) 11-6-40-0
(7) 2-35-33-20 (19) 6-2-13-20 (31) 11-28-53-20
(8) 2-57-46-40 (20) 7-24-26-40 (32) 11-51-6-40
(9) 3-20-0-0 (21) 7- 46-40- 0 (33) 12-13-20-0
(10) 3-42-13-20 (22) 8-8-53-20 (34) 12-35-33-20
(11) 4-4-26-40 (23) 8-31-6-40 (35) 12-57-46-40
(12) 4-26-40-0 (24) 8-53-20-0 (36) 13-20-0-0

For example if the elapsed portion of Revati Nakshatra is 3°-57'-21". Part 10
ends 3°-42'-13"-20". Part 11 ends 4°-4'-26"-40". Therefore it falls in 11th part. The
effects of this 'taking poison' which means the nature is fed up with life and wants
to get rid of it.

20. The Chandrakriya, Chandra Avastha and Chandravela described above
will be found very useful and effective in the case of a birth, muhurta and a quary.
One ought therefore to pay particular attention to them before making any

21. Paksha Bala (fortnightly strength) is of special importance to the Moon
and Sthana Bala is of some importance to the other planets. When this strength
added to other kinds of strength of a planet, it will add more strength to that planet.

There are many such types of strength.

Number of Bala Pinda

22. The Sun is said to be strong where he obtains 6.5 Rupas of strength. The
Moon is strong with 6 Rupas, Mars with 5 Rupas, Mercury with 7 Rupas, Jupiter
with 8.5 Rupas, Venus with 5.5 Rupas.

23. Saturn is declared strong with 5 Rupas of strength. If Shadbala Pinda of

planet be less than the strength number given above, he will be considered weak.
In this manner the strength of each planet should be taken into account before
making prediction.

Notes: It has already been indicated above what should be the strength of a
planet under Shad Bala scheme, to be declared strong. Now we consider it useful
to describe the views of other authorities as to when he should be declared strong
on the basis of the five kinds of strength viz. (1) Sthan Bala, (2) Dik Bala, (3)
Chesta Bala, (4) Kala Bala and (5) Ayana Bala. We have not mentioned Naisargika
Bala because it is always the same in every birth chart. The following table shows
how much strength is required for the various planets to be declared strong:

Planet Sthan Dik Chesta Kala Ayana Total
           RS      RS RS        RS   RS       RS
Sun 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Moon 2-13 0-50 0-30 1-40 0-40 5-53
Mars 1-16 0-30 0-40 1-7 0-20 4-13
Mercury 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Jupiter 2-45 0-35 0-50 1-52 0-30 6-32
Venus 2-13 0-50 0-30 1-40 0-40 5-53
Saturn 1-36 0-30 0-40 1-7 0-20 4-13

24. To ascertain the strength of the Lagna and other house add one Rupa to
the strength of the lord of the Bhava concerned. Further add to them the Dik Bala
and Drig Bala of that house. The sum total would be the Bhava Bala required.

Notes: If the Bhava is aspected or associated with its lord, Jupiter. Venus or
Mercury or be aspected by Jupiter or Mercury, the strength so obtained should also
be taken into account in determining the strength of a house.


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