

Dasas (major periods) of planets and their effects - Tamil Jothidam Tips

Dasas and their effects - Vedic Astrology Lessons

1. The nine planets who were worshipped in many ways with devotion for a
long time by sage Parasara, having been pleased bestowed upon him the
knowledge of accurately determining their effects (on births in this world). Being
convinced after many tests that they are unfailing, I take out the essence from the
astrological scripts containing his famous sayings and set forth the famous Maha
2. Count the stars from Krittika in groups of nine. The planets presiding over
the dasas belonging to the nine nakshatras composing each group are respectively
the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus and the
span of their dasa periods are respectively 6, 10, 7, 18, 16, 19, 17, 7 and 20 year.
Notes — The following table clarifies what has been mentioned above:—

3. Now is described the method of finding the remainder of the dasa of
planet at the time of birth. Find out the nakshatra in which the Moon is posited at
birth and for how many ghatikas it will remain after birth in that nakshatra.
Multiply those ghatikas by the total period of the dasa and divide it by 60. The
quotient will represent the period in years still to elapse. Any remainder remaining
may be converted into months by multiplying by 30 and dividing by 60 and so on.
Notes — This is clarified below by an example. Suppose at the time of birth
20 ghatikas were still to elapse in Punarvasu nakshatra. Birth in Punarvasu means
that the dasa in operation would be of Jupiter. How much of Jupiter remains at the
time of birth.
20*16/60 = 16/3 = 5 years 4 months.
There is some difference of opinion between the author of Phala deepika and
other authorities about the method of above calculation. Accordingly in Shri
Mantreshwara every result is to be divided by 60 but according to other authorities
the division should be done by the whole measure.
(1) The generally recognised method
Add the ghatikas elapsed of the nakshatra and those still to elapse. Thus we
get the total number of ghatikas of the nakshatra. Mark these ghatikas as 'A'.
Mark the ghatikas still to elapse as (B). Now suppose the birth has
taken place in the dasa of Jupiter, then the remainder of the dasa of Jupiter at
birth will be calculated as under:
: If in A the dasa period is 16 years
: In 1 it will be — 16/A
: In B it will be — (16/A)*(B/1)
The result of this calculation will indicate the years, months, days etc., of the
remainder of the dasa at birth.
(2) Method of calculation according to Shri Mantreshwar —
(16/A)*(B/1) years.
The difference is that in this method the total number of ghatikas are not
taken into account. 'A' or the total numbner of ghatikas is always taken as 60. The
remainder of the dasa only the basis of 'B'.
This in our view is not correct as the total number of ghatikas are not always
Now-a-days the easiest method of the remainder of the dasa accordingly is
based on the longitude of the Moon 3-13°-12' (Cancer 13°-12'). Cancer is
composed of one quater or 3°-20' of Punarvasu, four quarters of Ashlesha. As the
longitude of 13°-12' in Cancer, it has passed the fourth quarter of Punarvasu in this
sign and is in Pushyami nakshatra. To find out how much it has moved in
Pushyami we will deduct 3°-20' of Punarvasu from the Moon's 13°-12'. Thus the
balance will come to 9°-52'. The extent of the whole of Pushyami is 13°-20'. The
lord of this nakshatra is Saturn whose total dasa period is 19 years. Therefore 13°-
20' being equal to 19 years, 9°-52' will be equal to 14 years 0 months of 22 days.
This indicates that the 14 years and 22 days are observed over at birth and that
would remain at credit at birth will be 19 years minus 14 years 22 days, that is, 4
years 11 months and 8 days.
All these detailed calculations will be avoided if we obtain the balance of
dasa at birth on the longitude by referring to ready made tables in Lahiri's annual
4. Note the exact position of the Sun in the Zodiac at the time of birth when
the Sun in his next round arrives at the same position, it is considered as a solar
year, which is also the year taken for Udu adasa system (Vimsottari or naksharta
dasa system). By subdividing the same, days are calculated.
5. If the Sun be badly placed at the time of birth, he in the course of his dasa
causes quarrels and sudden wrath of the king, the ralatives will suffer from disease
and the native will be wandering about. There will be intense anguish and danger
from concealed wealth. The grain will be in danger of being burnt by fire and wife
and sons (children) will be in distress.
6. Acquisition of wealth through cruel deeds, journeys and quarrels, roaming
through mountains and maintaining, real, renown success in ventures, severity in
temper and nature, devotion to duty and happiness, will be the effects during the
Dasa of the Sun if he is well placed.
7. Peace of mind, success in all ventures, acquisition of wealth, good food,
gains of wife, sons, clothes, ornaments cows, agricultural land and devotion to
Brahmins will be the effects during the dasa of the Moon.
8. The effects of the dasa of the Moon described above will be derived in
full if the Moon be endowed with full strength. From the first of Shukla Paksha
upto the tenth tithi, the Moon is possessed of medium strength. During this period the effects will be medium. The ten days after, that is, from the 11th Tithi of the
shukla paksha to 5th Tithi of the krishna paksha the Moon is of full strength.
Therefore, the good effects from such a Moon will be realised in full.
During the remaining ten days i.e. from the sixth tithi of krishna paksha up
to Amavasya the Moon begins to wane and becomes weaker and weaker. Very little
good effects will be derived from such a Moon.

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Tagged with: Effects of Dasas, Dasa System in Astrology, Dasas and Their Effects, Maha Dasa Periods, Dasa Period, Planets and Dasas - Vedic Astrology, Mahadasha of planets and their effects, Sub-Divisions of Dasas and Their Effects

1 comment:

  1. Venus is 20yra.. wrongly mentioned as 10..pls check twice posting


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