

Dasas (major periods) of planets and their effects - Part 2 - Tamil Jothidam Tips

Dasas and their effects - Vedic Astrology Lessons

9. Effects like acquisition of wealth through fire, fighting etc., gain of money
by administering falsehood, cheating and cruel actions, suffering always form
bilious complaints, impurity of blood and fever, intrigues with low class women,
quarreling with his wife, children, relatives and elders and misery caused by it, and
enjoyment of fortune of others, will be experienced in the dasa of Mars.
10. Effects like meeting with friends, happiness, admiration from learned
persons, acquisition of fame, beneficience by preceptors, eloquency in speech,
helping others, happiness to wife, children, friends and relations are experienced in
the dasa of Mercury.
11. Effects like involvement in religious affairs, birth of children or
happiness in respect of children, honour from the king, praise by distinguished
persons, acquisition of elephants, horses and other conveyances, fullfilment of
one's ambitions and cordial relations with wife, children and meeting freinds, will
be experinced in the dasa of Jupiter.
12. Effects like obtaining of materials and facilities for his sport and
happiness, acquisition of good vehicles, cows, precious stones, ornaments, a
treasure, enjoyment in association with young women, intellectual pursuits.
Journey by sea (or river), conferment of honours by the king and celebration of
auspicious funcitions in the house, will be derived in the dasa of Venus.
13. Effects like his wife and children suffering from gout, rheumatism or
similar diseases, loss in agriculture, evil talk, intercourse with wicked women,
desertion of servants, separation from wealth, will be realised by the native in the
course of the dasa of Saturn.
14. There will be during the dasa of Rahu danger from the king, thief,
poison, fire and weapons, distress to children mental tension, loss of kinsmen,
humiliation from low caste people, loss of reputation, failure and losses in all
ventures and demotion in status.
15. Rahu's dasa will be full of auspicious effects if Rahu be associated with a
benefic or be posited in an auspicious house. The native will enjoy the spendour
like that of a king. He will achieve success in all his ventures and will live happily
in his house. He will accumulate lasting wealth and his fame will spread far and
wide on the Earth.
16. It is the view of those learned in Astrology that Rahu in Virgo, Pisces or
Scorpio will give the person concerned during his dasa, honour and happiness,
lordship of lands, conveyances and servants. All these will, however, be liable to
be lost at the conclusion of the dasa.
17. Effects like danger from enemies, thieves, wrath of the king, fear of
injury from weapon, diseases caused by heat, a stigma to family of the native, fear
from fire, deportation from the native place as a result of some serious accusation.
Notes — In verses 5 to 17 the effects of the dasa of the Sun, the Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in their usual order have been described
in a general way.
Now in verses 18 to 26 the effects of the dasa of all the planets have been
described again but they are in the order prescribed under the Vimsottari dasa
It appears that the effects given in verses 5-17 are such as could be ascribed
to the other dasa systems also.
There are some peculiarities in the Vimsottari dasa syatem, as the effects of
the dasas of planets will be governed by the rules laid down by Parasara. Under
these rules the lord of the 11th house (the house of gains) has been termed as papi.
Not only that the lord of the 3rd and 6th also have been allotted that same title. The
lord of the 3rd is the least papi and the lord of the 11th the biggest papi. Another
rule is that if a benefic be the lord of a kendra, he does not produce benefic effects,
and if the lord of a kendra be malefic, he does not produce inauspicious effects.
Therefore the effects given in verses 5-17 should not apply to Vimsottari
dasa system.
18. General effects like acquisition of wealth through cruel actions or
through kings or through fighting, buring in eyes, abdominal and dental disorders,
serious trouble to wife and children, loses of servants, and wealth, separation from
reverred elders and parents, will be dertvded during the dasa of the Sun.
Notes — In our view these effects will be experienced if the Sun is not
auspiciously disposed in any nativity. The Sun will definitely produce very good
results, if he is well phased. For example, in an Aries Langna nativity Sun as the
lord of the 5th or in Sagittarius Lagna chart Sun as lord of the 9th in the 9th or 10th
will raise the native to dizzy heights.
19. The general effects that will be experienced during the dasa of the Moon
will be gain of wealth through the mantras (hymns) and the beneficance of deities,
Brahmins and the king, acquisition of wife, wealth, and agricultural land, gain of
flowers, clothes, ornaments, and objects of enjoyment of various tastes. There will
be animosity with wicked people, loss of wealth and suffering from Rheumatism.
Notes — In this verse both auspicious and inauspicious effects have been
described of the dasa of the Moon. The good effects should be retained if the Moon
be endowed with strength, be auspiciously posited and be lord of a favourable
house. The adverse effects will be felt if the Moon be weak or be unfavourably
20. During the dasa of the Mars there will be, on the part of the native,
efforts to earn money through lands, litigation and the king. He will acquire
agricultural lands and cattle. There will be enmity with his son and brothers and he
will be attached to women of ill fame. He will suffer from impurity of blood,
diseases arising from heat and loss through fire. There will also be loss of wealth.
21. General effects like becoming wicked in disposition, suffering from a
dangerous disease, destruction of wife and children of the native, fear or danger
from poison, distress or trouble from enemies, diseases of the eye and heart,
animosity with friends and servants working on agricultural land and animosity
with the king, will be experienced when the dasa of Rahu be in operation.
Notes - Rahu and Ketu are shadowy planets. They are said to give effects
according to the houses they occupy according to the planets they are associated
with According to Laghu Parasari.
That is, if Rahu or Ketu be posited in kendra or trikona and be connected
with the lord of kendra or Trikona, they cause yoga which means they become
yogakarakas. Rahu or ketu will definitely produce immensely good results when
his dasa be in operation. Lagna Parasari goes to the extent of Saying.
This means that if Rahu arid ketu are well placed (i.e. in the langa, the 5th or
9th) give the effects of a yogakaraka planet in the an tar dasa of yogakaraka
Irrespective of the fact whether they are connected or not with a yogakarka planet.
See also in this connection what has been said about the effects of Rahu if he
is well disposed in verse 15th of this Chapter.
22. Acquisition of new clothes, and such other objects, servants, retinue and
similar grandeur, commanding great respect and dignity, birth of children, gain of
wealth and friends, receipts of admiration for the eloquence of his speech, will be
the good effects when the dasa of Jupiter be in operation. The evil effects of dasa
will be separation from elders, ear disease and phelgmatic troubles.
23. The general effects during the dasa of Saturn will be acquistion of wealth
consequent of the war or disturbances of the country, acquisition of servants and
old women, cattle like buffaloes, and bulls, trouble to wife and children, suffering
from windy diseases like rheumatism, gout etc., phlegmatic diseases, piles and
burning in hand and feet.
24. During the dasa of Mercury the native will get the benefit of learning
from preceptors or will himself become a very learned and influential preceptor.
There will be gain of agricultural lands, cows and horses and money from
Brahmins. He will get into association with persons of high status. He will worship
gods and acquire immense wealth. He will suffer from wind, heat and phlegm.
25. During the dasa of Ketu the native will suffer from sorrow and confusion
caused by females, trouble from the rich and loss of wealth. He will do injustice to
others. He will be banished from his country (native place). He will suffer from
dental trouble, pain in the legs and phlegmatic troubles.
Notes - Please see our comments under verse 21 about the effects of the dasa
of Rahu.
26. Acquisition of wife, jewels, cloths, lustrous gems, concealed treasure,
wealth, ornaments, horses, conch, etc., gain of money from trade, agricultrual
pursutis, export and import of goods, separation from elders (like parents), loss of
peace of mind and distress to kinsmen, will be the general effects experienced
during the dasa of Venus.

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Tagged with: Effects of Dasas, Dasa System in Astrology, Dasas and Their Effects, Maha Dasa Periods, Dasa Period, Planets and Dasas - Vedic Astrology, Mahadasha of planets and their effects, Sub-Divisions of Dasas and Their Effects


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